
Podcast: Innovation

Episode 10: Power of Partnerships

Marilyn Hershey, Dairy Management Inc. board chair, joins Lucas Lentsch on the Dairy on the Air podcast to discuss the power of partnerships and how checkoff is collaborating to meet the needs of consumers, build trust in dairy and boost sales. In the newest episode, Hershey, a dairy farmer from Pennsylvania, shares how checkoff-funded dairy…

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Episode 9: Big Picture for Dairy and Vision for Growth

Tom Gallagher, CEO of Dairy Management Incorporated (DMI) joined Lucas Lentsch, CEO of Midwest Dairy in a recent episode of Dairy on the Air, a podcast for all things dairy, to discuss the stewardship of dairy farmers, the evolution of checkoff and the vision for the future Gallagher recounted the long-standing commitment of dairy farmers…

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Episode 6: Revitalizing the Dairy Case

Consider this: With only three percent of the shelf space in stores, dairy accounts for 10 percent of sales and 20 percent of profits. This highlights the opportunity to strengthen our partnerships with retail stores to increase dairy sales. In the latest episode of Dairy on the Air, Lucas Lentsch, CEO of Midwest Dairy, is…

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Episode 2: Innovation and the future of food

Join Midwest Dairy CEO Lucas Lentsch and dairy farmers Barb Liebenstein and Alex Peterson in part two of their Dairy Experience Forum discussion as they discuss innovation, the future of food and the opportunities for the dairy industry.

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Episode 1: The changing Consumer

These days, there is so much competition in the dairy aisle, and consumers are often confused by the amount of information available. How can the dairy industry join the conversation? We know you have an opinion – would you like to share it with us? What about suggesting a topic? Please contact us at don.schindler@dairy.org….

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If you are a dairy farmer or a dairy industry professional, we would love to get your feedback on the podcast. Just fill out this short survey and you’ll be registered to win a pair of Your Dairy Checkoff Podcast ear buds. One in five wins! Click here to take the survey!