
Podcast: Consumer Trust

Episode 30: How Do You Get Consumers To See Dairy Differently?

Do consumers think that dairy is sustainable? Does this influence their purchasing of dairy products? What’s the checkoff doing about it? Listen as MVP Dairy’s Director of Marketing and Communications Allison Ryan discusses how the checkoff is sharing the dairy farmer sustainability story with Heather Oldani, Group EVP, Head of Marketing Communications & Affairs for…

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Episode 29: What Did Farmers Want To Know About Dairy Exports At The Joint Annual Meeting?

What trends are we seeing with dairy products developed for exports? Does unique branding and logos for dairy products make a difference in the exports market? Can you tell us more about the new Singapore Dairy Center of Excellence? These were a few of the questions dairy farmers asked during the 2023 Joint Annual Meeting….

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Episode 28 – What Is In Store For Dairy Exports In 2024?

How did U.S. dairy exports affect the market in 2023 and what does the future hold for dairy exports in 2024 and beyond? What is the checkoff doing globally to help promote and grow international consumer trust in U.S. dairy? Listen as Minnesota dairy farmer and Farmer Relations Committee Chair Charles Krause discusses U.S. dairy…

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Episode 27 – What Has The Checkoff Done In 2023 and What To Look Forward To In 2024

Checkoff Year-In-Review From Dairy Management Inc.’s Chair Marilyn Hershey and CEO and President Barb O’Brien Listen as Marilyn Hershey, DMI’s chair, and Barb O’Brien, DMI’s CEO and President, discuss the 2023 National Dairy Checkoff Year-In-Review with Scott Wallin, DMI’s VP of Industry Media Relations. They will go over the highlights and challenges of this year’s…

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Episode 26 – Growing Cheese Sales With Pizza Partnerships

A new dairy checkoff growth program, in collaboration with pizza partners, is set to boost cheese consumption by over 12 million pounds, primarily focusing on international markets. On the domestic front, Domino’s has introduced Pepperoni Stuffed Cheesy Bread to its menu. Dairy Management Inc. (DMI) has supported Domino’s, including consumer research for the successful launch…

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Episode 25 – How Has Dairy Consumption Changed In Schools And Kids? New Youth Wellness Research Focuses Industry Direction.

Much has changed in the world since the pandemic, including dairy consumption at schools. Has it gone up or down? How does dairy consumption at school affect home consumption and vice versa? What should the dairy industry be focused on when it comes to children’s nutrition and youth wellness? What does this new research tell…

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Episode 21 – eCommerce: Does Dairy Have A Future?

Dairy sells in stores, but does it sell online? Hear from Beau Hayden, Dairy Management Inc. Vice President of Insights, Sales and Trust, and Stephanie Taylor, Dairy Management West, Director of Business Development, who share how the dairy checkoff has worked with partners like Amazon, Instacart, Walmart, and others to drive demand for dairy digitally….

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Episode 20 – Dairy industry experts answer a dairy farmer’s sustainability questions

Tune in as Indiana dairy farmer Jill Houin facilitates a discussion with three dairy industry sustainability experts from a policy group, a large processor and a dairy risk management company. Recorded live at the 2022 Joint Annual Meeting, this group talks about how consumers view dairy sustainability practices, what sustainability means to their organization and…

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Episode 19 – What Happened With Dairy Promotion In 2022?

Hear from Pennsylvania dairy farmer and Dairy Management Inc. Chair Marilyn Hershey and Missouri dairy farmer and National Dairy Board Chair Alex Peterson discuss the 2022 checkoff’s dairy promotion highlights including gaming advertising to Gen Z, exports, new retail and restaurant partners, new health and wellness collaborations, sustainability alliances and much more. To learn more…

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Episode 18 – Do Social Media Influencers Convince Consumers To Buy Dairy?

Tune in with our dairy farmer hosts, Wisconsin’s Becca Hilby (@beccahilby) and New York’s Val Lavigne (@DairyGalVal), as they talk with Indianapolis Colts mascot “Blue” Trey Mock (@blue) and Philip Fryman (@southernfatty) about how they became social media influencers and how they work with the dairy checkoff to share dairy insights, facts about dairy farming…

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